When people look for a real estate agent, they want to feel confident that the professional they hire knows their neighborhood well and can help them get the best possible deal on the property they’re looking to buy or sell. Buying or selling a house requires a substantial financial commitment, and clients want to make sure they work with an agent they can trust. In other words, you need to inspire confidence in your potential clients and let them know that you are their neighborhood expert. An excellent way to communicate this message is by creating regular real
estate market reports. If you’re new to making these reports, we will walk you through what you need to know, and discuss the value they offer.
A real estate marketing report is a direct mail marketing piece that has remained consistently used in the
industry for years. Potential clients like to comb through the data it contains to better understand their
local housing market. Consequently, it can help them determine the best time to either buy or sell a
home, and provide them with the confidence they need to make their decision. This marketing report contains a monthly collection of data surrounding the housing market in a particular area. It offers insight into changes in housing prices, the number of homes available on the market, and trends that have been witnessed in a specific area. Not only do these reports provide valuable data for customers, but they can also cast the real estate
agent sending them out as a qualified, experienced expert in the area, thus, boosting your reputation as the go-to local agent. Reputation plays a significant role in real estate, so casting yourself as the local
expert can help you find new clients.
To create an effective real estate market report, you want to gather data from various reputable sources
that will help you track the housing prices and trends in your targeted area. You will want to compare and
analyze housing sales to provide the most accurate information for your potential clients. As you compile this information, you should highlight the data that matters the most to your target clientele to catch their eye with the most valuable information so that they engage with your report and
remember your business.
Partnering with REAL Marketing will provide you with resources and professional help to design your market report from scratch or with professional templates. Our team can help you create a layout and design elements that will stand out from other reports and catch your target audience's attention. We will even help you secure the critical information for the report. To bring in success from your real estate
marketing report, all you will need to do is create a direct mail strategy that will help you get your name in front of your ideal potential clients. Homebuyers and sellers appreciate these reports because they help them better understand their local market. They can see how the price of their own home has changed over the years, gauge whether it is a good time for them to buy or sell, and understand the local trends and how the market will likely change in the short term. When you produce these high-value reports, you establish yourself as a credible and experienced expert whom they can trust to provide accurate information. REAL Marketing will then help you design and build your direct mailings and craft your marketing strategy to help ensure your report has the desired impact.
If you want to start producing your real estate marketing report with the help of REAL Marketing, you can
begin right now. See how our services can help you create highly effective direct mail campaigns that will
help you build your business and establish your reputation as a neighborhood expert. We look forward to helping you build your real estate business.
This will be completely turnkey for you. This means you’ll only need to approve the initial design and first mailing! Each month after that these will be prepared with new data and sent for you at the same time every month.
BECOME THE DOMINANT FORCE in your community. By presenting homeowners with quality and relevant information, we position you as the hyper-local expert. The impact is immediate — your marketing and professionalism showcased.
Whether you are just starting out or have an established brand, the Personal Sphere is a great piece to maintain your personal connection to clients, friends, and family. Our Personal Spheres can be selected as a one-time mailing or be developed as a year-long marketing campaign.