Answering the Top 5 Deal-Breaker Questions from Potential Clients
ANSWERING THE TOP 5 DEAL-BREAKER QUESTIONS FROM POTENTIAL CLIENTS POTENTIAL CLIENTS POTENTIAL CLIENTS The question and answer part of your listing appointment is arguably the most influential part of the presentation. It’s crucial to anticipate the client’s questions and prepare answers before the meeting. While it’s hard to predict every client question, here are the top five “dealbreaker” […]
5 Steps to Prepare for a Successful Listing Appointment
5 STEPS TO PREPARE FOR A SUCCESSFUL LISTING APPOINTMENT LISTING APPOINTMENT LISTING APPOINTMENT Successfully navigating each real estate listing appointment lets you show potential sellers why you’re the perfect agent to sell their homes. To get started, you just need to use the time to build rapport, highlight the value of your services, and position yourself as a […]
What is The Perfect Blend of Print and Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents?
WHAT IS THE PERFECT BLEND OF PRINT AND DIGITAL MARKETING FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS REAL ESTATE AGENTS REAL ESTATE AGENTS Print marketing is the tried-and-true marketing strategy that has proven effective for real estate agents throughout the years. It’s pretty common for potential clients to find your real estate advertisement in a newspaper, billboards, and of course, direct mailers. However, as […]
The Value of Real Estate Market Research for Your Marketing Campaign
THE VALUE OF REAL ESTATE MARKET RESEARCH FOR YOUR MARKETING CAMPAIGN MARKETING CAMPAIGN MARKETING CAMPAIGN When people look for a real estate agent, they want to feel confident that the professional they hire knows their neighborhood well and can help them get the best possible deal on the property they’re looking to buy or sell. Buying or selling […]
Real Estate Listing Appointment Checklist for Success
REAL ESTATE LISTING APPOINTMENT CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS Our previous blog gave you five crucial tips to help you prepare for your real estate listing appointment. If you haven’t had the chance to read it, click here. Whether this is your first listing appointment or your 50th appointment, here are a few checklists to […]